W. Bro. Jack Blackburn celebrates 50 years as a Mark Mason
On the 12th. November 2021 Worshipful Brother Jack Blackburn Past Provincial Grand Senior Warden celebrated being a Mark Mason.
Provincial Grand Master congratulates W. Bro. Jack Blackburn
In attendance was Right Worshipful Brother Keith Alan Beardmore Provincial Grand Master who was there to officiate the celebration, before the celebration began there was a moment of reflection for three well respected Mark Masons that had been called to a higher service during the recent period of lockdown, Very Worshipful Brother Terry Hudson Past Grand Junior Overseer, Worshipful Brother John Powell Past Grand Senior Deacon and Worshipful Brother Ron Weatherill Past Provincial Grand Senior Warden.
W. Bro. Blackburn with Provincial Grand Master and Assistant Provincial Grand Master
After the eulogies conducted by Worshipful Brother Giles Berkley Past Grand Junior Deacon Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Worshipful Brother Andrew Dickson Past Grand Senior Deacon and Bro James Rashid the Acting Worshipful Master Giles Berkley invited The Provincial Grand Master to occupy the Masters Chair and he in turn invited Worshipful Brother Blackburn and from a prominent position in the lodge delivered a very informative resume of Worshipful Brother Blackburn’s life. Certificates of congratulated from Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge were read and presented to Worshipful Brother Blackburn.
Visiting Acting Grand, Grand and Provincial Grand Oficers
At the festive board the brethren partook of a three course meal. In response to the toast to his health Worshipful Brother Blackburn gave a very witty response full of anecdotes about his 50 years in Mark Masonry. The work and refreshment over we all made our way homeward another splendid evening of Mark Masonry over .
Words and pictures by Ernie Gavan